Rudraa Ayurveda

Cow colostrum also is known as bovine colostrum it’s basically the milky fluid before the breast milk starts producing in mammals. This is really beneficial for human beings and has many amazing benefits.

Rudraa cow colostrum 

The Rudraa cow colostrum 500mg comes with 60 capsule that contains all the benefits and proper nutrients from cow colostrum. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, growth hormones, fats and etc.

The benefits of Rudraa cow colostrum 

  • Blood sugar level 

Cow colostrum or bovine colostrum can really be good for type 2 diabetes patients. As the nutrients help reduce the blood glucose level, Ketones, and cholesterol. The bovine colostrum makes sure the high sugar blood level stays low and balanced.

  • Skin 

The cow colostrum is known for its great skin begins as well, it can help your skin to get better elasticity, as well as it will make your skin look younger. Many people have been using bovine colostrum in their beauty products and even in the facial mask to look younger. As colostrum is known for its natural source of telomerase and enzymes which helps with slowing down your skin aging.

  • Immune system 

The cow colostrum or bovine colostrum contains a very good amount of antibodies agents which are usually proteins that fight the bacteria inside your body. That is why taking cow colostrum will help you have a better immune system protecting you from various kinds of diseases and making sure you stay healthy.

  • Prevent from diarrhea 

The cow colostrum helps to get better health and protects against certain bacteria like E. coli which is known to cause us Diarrhea which is known as travelers Diarrhea. It’s proven that having a higher colostrum level can help you get rid of that E. coli bacteria. Which means you will get rid of that Diarrhea as well.

  • Increase body weight

The bovine colostrum is known for its nutrients, fats, carbohydrates and other values that can also help to gain people’s weight. If taken with a good diet cow colostrum can work well in increasing your muscle weight and giving you better body weight.

  • Overall wellness 

As it contains most of the things that you require to get a healthy body. From proteins to vitamins, minerals and even fat as well as carbohydrates. The cow colostrum takes care of all of those things and gives you an overall healthy body from the outside as well as from the inside.

So yeah it won’t have any side effects only benefits from it. So anyone of any age can take Rudraa cow colostrum as it has so many benefits for everyone.


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